Over the last six years, Miss Lizzy’s Foundation has been blessed to have the unwavering support of the local Italian club, the Roma Club of Leamington. They have generously donated their Pavilion for our last five Miss Lizzy’s Tea events, and our first scrapbooking fundraiser this year. And now, when we have surpassed our space due to the overwhelming support of our community, they have yet again graciously offered the use of their Great Hall for our Miss Lizzy’s Tea event this year.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Board, the current manager, Luis Cocco, and all managers in the past, and all of the staff for helping to make Miss Lizzy’s Tea a successful event each year. You all have allowed us to reach our goal each year of providing assistance to local area cancer patients and their families, and in meeting our commitment towards the Erie Shores Campus Hospice.
Thank you for all you have done.