Established in 2015 by founder Liz DelCiancio, Miss Lizzy’s Foundation’s mission is to provide relief to patients and families dealing with cancer. Prior to incorporating, Liz had hosted what is now our signature event, Miss Lizzy’s Tea, for four years, raising funds for local cancer initiatives. It has become a popular fundraising event where ladies enjoy an afternoon with mothers, daughters, and friends.
In 2014, Miss Lizzy’s Foundation (operating as Miss Lizzy’s Tea) pledged a $50,000 donation towards sponsoring a Garden Tea Room in the Erie Shores Hospice building. It is the foundation’s goal to help provide comfort and serenity for patients and their families during their time there.
We invite you to browse through our website to learn more about how to become involved with our foundation. There are many ways to help – volunteering, donating, fundraising or by attending one of our events. We warmly welcome your interest and look forward to your support.
Together, Miss Lizzy’s Foundation will continue its mission to provide support to cancer patients and their families.